Looks great, but I have a little secret. The bottom is black. Project Pizza Attempts #3-6 involved Digiorno. I figure since I didn't order them and I rearranged the pepperoni, it counts as semi-homemade. Well, with a little bit of this...
As for my hundred push-up challenge (I know, you thought I forgot about this), I'm doing
Oh, P.S. I just got a phone call from the company we're applying for life insurance from. They're required to ask 2 million questions so they know how much to charge you for insuring your life.
Her: "Have you gained or lost any weight in the past 2 years?"
Me: "Umm...gained some."
Her: "And what caused this weight gain?"
Me: Paused to think about this then "laziness, I guess."
She just laughed. Hard. She laughed so hard, she had to pause the interview. Then the next 10 questions contained more laughter.
Next time I'm blaming it on the kids.
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